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Planning & Zoning

The Town Planner is responsible for assisting the Town to implement the goals and objectives outlined in the Town Plan. The Town Planner gives technical guidance to various Town boards and committees on how to carry out initiatives, help manage projects, and applies for grants to support projects that help achieve the goals and objectives in the Town Plan.

The Zoning Administrative Officer issues building and zoning permits, certificates of occupancy, and investigates violation complaints. The Zoning Administrative Officer also serves as the municipal E911 Coordinator who is responsible for assigning new E911 addresses to new structures. The DRB Coordinator staffs the Development Review Board and reviews development proposal submissions.


Keith Oborne

Director of Planning and Zoning

Tyler Machia

Zoning Administrative Officer

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays: 8 am to 4 pm


For more information on permitting, requirements, and permitting processes, refer to the Permitting Flowcharts, and the land use ordinances located on the Ordinances & Policies page.

Richmond Planning and Zoning Related Forms

External forms and links associated with Richmond Planning and Zoning forms:

ANR Atlas Map shall be proivded with each Zoning permt. To access an ANR map go to the website liked below. Type in you address. Once your address has been slected go to the tool icon on the top right of the map. Once slected click on the ​​​​​​​​​​​​print icon and print the PDF that is created 

ANR Atlas Link