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Richmond Police Department Overview

The mission of the Richmond Police Department is to provide high-quality, community-oriented policing and protection to the residents and visitors of Richmond.

The RPD is budgeted for one Chief, four full-time police officers, three part-time police officers, and one part-time civilian employee tasked with providing police services to the Town of Richmond. Our officers are provided with dynamic training opportunities to ensure that they are always current with the evolution of their profession. We strive to provide transparency and strengthen community partnerships.

Current Police Coverage

The Town of Richmond is being covered by Hinesburg PD for police services. Hinesburg will respond to calls in Richmond when their officers are on duty which is Monday - Friday 7am - 11pm and Saturday and Sunday 7am - 7pm. For non-emergency police matters please contact Hinesburg PD for assistance at (802) 482-3397. For emergency assistance dial 911.

For Emergencies Call 911

The Richmond Police Department is not currently staffed. For non-emergency police matters please contact the Hinesburg Police Department for assistance at (802) 482-3397

Anthony Cambridge

Chief of Police

Police Dispatch

Reports and Statistics

Compliments and Complaints

Tell us what you think about our services, our organization, or anything else that comes to mind. We welcome all of your comments and suggestions.

Traffic Stops and Race Data

The Richmond Police Department provides annual reports on traffic stops and race data to the State. That information is posted on the Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council's website.

Instructions on how to find Richmond's Data: Note, Google Chrome does not work to download the data. Please use a different browser.

  • Click on the link above.
  • On the bottom right of the page in the link is the following linked phrase: "*Spillman Agencies Data File. "
    • Click on this link.
  • This brings up an excel sheet of data for all the agencies that use Spillman for reporting.
  • Enter "0411" in the "Agency Involved" column on this excel sheet. 0411 is the code for Richmond and this will show data for Richmond.

Community Outreach Program

The Community Outreach Program in the participating communities of South Burlington, Colchester, Essex, Williston, Winooski, Richmond, and Shelburne was inspired by Burlington’s Street Outreach model. In the participating towns, outreach specialists work in partnership with local and regional law enforcement to respond to individuals with unmet social service needs, often due to mental health or substance use issues.

Residents or Richmond are able to contact the program directly (without the need of police involvement) if they are in need of assistance. More information can be found here: Community-Outreach.

Howard Center Community Outreach Annual Reports:  FY2019, FY2020, FY2021, FY2022, FY2023 (Q1), FY2023 (Q2), FY2023 (Q3) ​​​​​​​

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More information about the program can be found in this presentation that was given to the Richmond Selectboard on Oct. 19, 2020: Community Outreach - Richmond Selectboard meeting 10.19.20

Fair and Impartial Policing Policy

The purpose of this policy is to require that all employees of the Richmond Police Department conduct policing in a fair and impartial manner, to clarify the circumstances in which officers can consider personal characteristics, or immigration status, when making law enforcement decisions and to reinforce processes and procedures that enable us to provide services and enforce laws in an equitable and impartial way. The Richmond Police Department is required to adopt each component the Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council’s model fair and impartial policing policy. The Richmond Police Department has adopted additional components. Nothing in the Richmond Police Department Fair and Impartial Policing policy is intended to violate federal law.

In March of 2021 the Richmond Police Department adopted an updated Fair and Impartial Policing Policy. Following is a copy of the policy: Richmond Police Policy on Fair and unbiased Policing

Link to the Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council’s model fair and impartial policing policy

Past Projects