Special Selectboard Budget 1/7/25
January 7, 2025
7PM – 9 PM
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Town of Richmond
Special Selectboard Meeting
Minutes of January 07, 2024
Members Present: Bard Hill, Adam Wood, David Sander, Jay Furr, Lisa Miller
Absent: None
Staff Present: Town ManagerJosh Arneson,Assistant to the Town ManagerDuncan Wardwell, Town Clerk Linda Parent; Finance Director Connie Bona, Fire Department Chief Dennis Gile, Highway Department Chief Pete Gosselin, Library Director Suzanne Krohn
Others Present: MMCTV Erin Wagg, MMCTV Angelike Contis, Caitlin Filkins, June Heston, Andrew Bessette, Cara LaBounty, Richmond Racial Equity Patty Brushett, Executive Director - OCCC Susanne Parent, Matt Crabb, Laurie Dana, Amy Wardwell, Pam, Rafael Kennedy, Connie Van Eeghen.
MMCTV Video: Recorded by MMCTV by Erin Wagg
Call to Order: 7:00 pm
Welcome by: Sander
Public Comment: None
Additions or Deletions to Agenda: None
Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present
Review of draft FY26 Budget, including all departments and revenue
Timestamp: 0:01
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson, Bona, Dana, Gile, Hill, Furr, Krohn, Heston, Wood, Filkins, Van Eeghen
Arneson explained that since the last meeting the Town’s Admin positions and Police staffing have been kept flat since the 2025 budget. The Library has a 12-hour per week position that they want to create because they have a tough time getting consistent substitutes and they have expanding programs for the Library, also there is concern about personal safety for someone working alone in the building. Dana explained they do not have another revenue source for this position, but this position is necessary for the safety of staff and patrons. Hill feels that since this position is something the Library Trustees strongly recommend it should be put back into the budget, making sure the voters know it’s the Trustees that want this. Furr agrees because of safety concerns, especially when the Library is open at night, being there alone is a safety concern; similarly their one substitute is not performing as needed or able to take on extra duties, so a 12-hour a week position is needed. Krohn concurred that the Library has been having issues with safety recently. Hill reiterated what was said during the Selectboard meeting the night before when a suggestion had been made to split the Library budget out from the Town budget. Bona pointed out that rental fees for renting out the community room in the Library nearly covers the proposed 12-hour a week position, but that income is currently going into the Town Center Fund. Heston thinks the rental fees for renting out the Library should go into the Library Budget, which Dana explained is not happening at this time, because it is going into the Town Center Fund which recently was used to fix the elevator in the Library.
Arneson continued to explain that some adjustments were made to the Fire Dept budget, such as eliminating an outbuilding expense and reconfiguration of the Capital plan to pay for a portion of the roof replacement. $25,000 has been penciled in for a needs assessment. Filkins mentioned that her dad, who has a lot of experience, has offered to do some pro bono work regarding a needs assessment for the Fire Dept regarding equipment needs, as well as discussing how to attract more members. Bona reiterated that one reason the Capital Plan can be reduced by $70,000 is because they removed the need to replace Engine 1, but if that vehicle needs to be replaced in the next fiscal year they’ll need to catch up financially. Wood pointed out that he wants to be cautious that the Fire Dept spend money to try to gain ISO ratings, as that can get costly and you will never recoup that money. Filkins’ dad is named Doug Patey, Sander recommended that we take him up on his offer to do a needs assessment pro bono of the Richmond Fire Dept. Filkins asked how much have we paid for the future rescue truck and has that already been budgeted? Arneson responded that it would be $69,000 to cancel the special order of the future rescue truck, over and above the $121,300 we paid for the chassis. Fire Chief Gile stated that a future truck will be especially useful in responding to accidents on the interstate. Hill said this decision to purchase the new rescue truck was made in Sept 2023 and to go back on that decision would not be advisable. Wood reminded everyone that this should be a learning process based on expenditures for future engines and we don’t have years to sit on such decisions, the Fire Dept will make things work with whatever the decision is made regarding Engine 1 for example, but that any decision that is made regarding future purchases needs to be stated clearly. Bona said the Fire Depatment’s Capital Plan was warned in the years 2022, 2023, 2024. Hill said it is possible to go to a Bond vote for large Capital purchases. He feels the needs assessment is important. Arneson suggested that the next step would be to invite Patey to come and talk about a needs assessment.
Arneson explained that he would like to increase Wardwell’s hours to 40-hours per week, he listed some of Wardwell’s duties and how an increase in hours for the Assistant to the Town manager position is vital, also considering how some of those hours will be reimbursed by FEMA. This would add $27,267 to the Admin budget. Furr concurred that there are always more projects needing to be done. Hill asked how would this affect the increase in tax rate? Arneson said that brings the tax rate increase to 6.76%, before this and the extra Library person, we were at 5.58% tax increase. The total budget is 1% less than the FY25 budget. Bona continued that the July 2024 flood has handcuffed us, especially the Highway Capital reserves will need to be replenished first. Hill added that there may be some extra FEMA funds that could help us. Bona cautioned that there are some Highway Dept bills that have not come in from the July 2024 flood that may bring the tax rate increase up to 8.73%. Hill and Furr mentioned that other Towns are eliminating positions. Bona stated that Bolton is looking at a double digit tax increase due to the July 2024 flood. Gosselin wondered if anyone knew what the increase in education taxes would be, which no one knew. Hill said Hinesburg’s draft budget states their general fund taxes will be increasing by 7.96%, which includes a decrease in the police force.
Hill cautioned that taxes are increasing yet the FY26 total budget has gone down and he is worried voters will react adversely to this. Furr reminded everyone that health insurance costs for the Town employees has gone up, and the Town has had to tighten its belt in other areas. Arneson said the budget needs to be presented several times to the voters, like the end of January and February, especially within 10 days of the vote.
Brushett asked about the Police budget, to which Arneson replied they had decided to flat staff it, meaning keep it the same as FY25 with four police officers and a 20-hour per week Admin position, while sharing the Chief with Hinesburg. This 20-hour position was in the budget for FY25 and this person could be hired between January and June 2025, and then continue working 20-hours per week for FY26. Furr asked for the construction of a police blotter. Arneson concurred that a police blotter or statistical information about increases in crime should be posted. Brushett asked about The Howard Center budget, which is presently $6,500 for Hinesburg, why is Richmond’s budget for this higher? To which Arneson responded that the Howard Center budget was slated to be $25,000 to be divided with Hinesburg, which would be $12,500.
Van Eeghen wanted to know how charitable organizations are handled in FY26 budget. Arneson and Hill responded that with the budget going to Australian ballot, there will be many things to vote on as the current warning and articles read. Charitable organizations starts with article five and goes down through to the end. Those are all the individual requests that were received and forwarded to the voters for their consideration.
Arneson suggested one last FY26 Budget meeting for the Selectboard on Monday January 13, 2026, to finalize the Budget. What’s our finalized date for the Town Meeting, Hill asked? To which Arneson stated at the absolute latest January 24th, 2026, but that he would be away 23 and 24, so he would like to get it done before the 24th. They could in fact finalize the warning next Monday. Furr suggested that a simple definition of Unassigned funds vs. Reserves needed to be laid out to the voters and be put into the Town Report. Arneson replied that he would work on something.
Hill moved to adjourn. Furr seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Meeting adjourned at: 9:03 pm
Chat file from Zoom:
00:32:36 Andrew Bessette: Is there a budget item to fix up the town center? Andy Bessette
00:47:27 Patty Brushett: That sounds great!!!
00:49:07 Patty Brushett: I agree!!
00:49:30 Caitlin Filkins: I would like to comment on the ISO ratings as well - I do have my hand up again
00:50:21 Patty Brushett: A first free look by a professional would be very helpful
00:54:39 Caitlin Filkins: Doug Patey
01:00:19 Patty Brushett: After Doug gives us his assessment, we will have a much better idea what our questions are.
01:00:25 Caitlin Filkins: Reacted to "After Doug gives us ..." with 👍
01:00:35 Patty Brushett: Reacted to "After Doug gives us …" with 👍
01:14:37 Patty Brushett: Great point Josh’s
02:01:06 Patty Brushett: Thank you
02:13:58 Caitlin Filkins: Thanks all!
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Special Meeting of the Town of Richmond Selectboard
January 7, 2025
Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT.
Meeting may also be joined online or by phone
Join Zoom Meeting Online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83400408037?pwd=oz8Yhrdv9FaU9V0ZWca5k5KD80MohL.1
Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 834 0040 8037 Passcode: 638676
7:00 PM 1. Welcome and Public Comment:
7:03 PM 2. Additions, Deletions, or Modifications to Agenda
7:05 PM 3. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present
a) Review of draft FY26 Budget, including all departments and revenue # (90 min)
8:35 PM 4. Adjourn
Time is available at each meeting for public comment. Documents related to this meeting are available at
www.richmondvt.gov/documents/selectboard-meeting-documents/ If you would like to schedule a time with the Board or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or email jarneson@richmondvt.gov. Links to videos of Selectboard meetings can be found at mtmansfieldctv.org
*Denotes Action Item # Indicates documents in the packet