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Special Selectboard Budget 1/13/25

  • Monday, January 13, 2025
    PM – 9 PM



Selectboard Minutes 01-13-25 156 KB


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Selectboard Minutes 01-13-25 156 KB

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Town of Richmond
Special Selectboard Meeting
Minutes of January 13, 2025

Members Present: Bard Hill, David Sander, Jay Furr, Lisa Miller

Absent: Adam Wood

Staff Present: Town ManagerJosh Arneson;Assistant to the Town ManagerDuncan Wardwell; Town Clerk Linda Parent; Finance Director Connie Bona, Fire Department Chief Dennis Gile, Highway Department Chief Pete Gosselin.

Others Present: MMCTV Erin Wagg, Stephanie, Velma, Chris Granda, Executive Director OCCC Susanne Parent, Tony Vargo, Joanna, Martha Nye, Meg Freebern, Darren Kennedy, CMHC Jared Katz, Lisa Kory, Trevor Brooks, Jean Haskins, Ian Bender, Morgan Wolaver, Melissa Wolaver, Paige Kaleita, John Rankin, Laurie Dana, Connie Van Eeghen, Jack Linn.

MMCTV Video: Recorded by MMCTV by Erin Wagg

Call to Order: 7:00 pm

Welcome by: Sander

Public Comment: None

Additions or Deletions to Agenda: None

Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present

Consideration of approving the FY26 Budget to be considered for approval by the voters
Timestamp: 0:01

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Bona, Hill, Furr, Granda, Linn, Bender

Arneson explained that this is the last meeting regarding the FY26 budget. During the previous meeting after increasing the Deputy Town Manager’s hours to 40 hours per week and keeping the Police Dept hirings the same, the tax increase was at 6.76%. This past week it was discovered that $800 of the Deputy Town Manager’s increase in salary was omitted and the reduction in taxes that 50% or more disabled veterans are allowed to take, brings the municipal tax increase to 6.83%. Hill mentioned to those present that the Town expenditure is decreasing by about 1%, but the tax increase is still slated for 6.83% at this point. Arneson described that the July 2024 flood cost nearly $2 million in damages, which was paid for by Unassigned funds. Hill and Furr explained to Jack Linn (who was present in person) that we are still expecting repayment from FEMA for flood repairs. Granda wondered if moving forward we should create a Reserve fund for natural disasters. Arneson said that the auditors said you cannot have such a fund, so that was taken away a few years ago. Short term loans are options to use for natural disaster expenses. Hill thinks we should increase the Highway Reserve in the next five years. Arneson explained to Linn that Highway, Fire, Police, and the Library all have Reserve funds for future expenses. Hill reminded everyone that some of these are Restricted funds, restricted by voters, so voters can vote to reassign those funds. Arneson continued that other funds are more akin to scholarships and not restricted by the voters. He reiterated that the FEMA reimbursements for the 2023 and 2024 floods should be mostly reimbursed by FY27 budget discussions. Hill mentioned that tax income from buyout properties will change the budget in the next few years. Sander reminded everyone that this is the municipal tax rate increase and that we still do not know about the education tax rate, and that Richmond’s tax increase is lower than some neighboring Towns. Bender wanted to know what that increase in taxes would be for someone who owns a $400,000 home, to which Arneson replied it’s $530.83 per $100,000, meaning that the increase from FY25 to FY 26 is $33.93 per $100,000 in property value. Hill said we compare favorably to Hinesburg’s tax increase which is slated for 7.91%. Granda wanted to know how much health insurance for Town employees is increasing. Furr reminded Granda that several people opt out of health insurance. A family plan with 2 children increased about $250 per month. Dye asked why the Town has three Admin employees, to which Arneson explained that the Assistant to the Town Manager will be changed to Deputy Town Manager and go up to 40 hours per week. The Admin Assistant position will go away for FY26. Bona mentioned that cost of living increase for Social Security has gone up 2.5%.

Furr moved to approve the fiscal year 26 budget as presented to be sent to the voters for consideration of their approval. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Miller, Sander in favor. Motion approved.

Consideration of approving the Warning for Town Meeting
Timestamp: 0:37

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Furr, Hill, Granda, Linn

Arneson explained that he did receive feedback from the attorney today and there are more items on Australian ballot this time, so the notes need to be cleaned up. The Attorney suggested putting all items that are a floor vote at the top, and then everything that is voted by Australian ballot further down. There was a discussion about moving the vote for Richmond Rescue to be given a 5-year tax break, and that this should be a floor vote. Granda wondered if Richmond Rescue was on the ballot before when they were in financial difficulties. No one could remember. But he also asked if Richmond Rescue could be tax exempt indefinitely. Arneson stated that this is related to Charitable and Fraternal organizations, no one knows the history of this. Hill wondered if other organizations would also deserve this tax break but that hasn’t asked for it. Linn asked about Article 3 which suggests that Highway budget or Police budget or Library budget should be voted on separately, he thinks this will open a can of worms. The Budget is voted on using Australian Ballot. Arneson continued that several Articles are related to raising taxes (or not) for donations to charitable organizations. On Australian Ballot the answers are only Yes or No. Arneson showed how all items to be voted on are on the Town Website under “appropriations,” so people are able to study this before they vote. He continued that the Town is required to have one informational meeting prior to the vote, but Arneson believes 2 meetings is a better idea, so he proposed Tuesday Feb. 11 at 7:00pm, which is before early voting begins, and then the second meeting, which will be held at the Richmond Town Center on Monday February 24, 2025 at 7:00pm. Both meetings will also be held on Zoom. Furr suggested having one of the meetings on a Saturday morning, which Hill agreed with. Parent interjected that the early ballots go out on Feb 12th and if Arneson wanted one meeting prior to the ballots going out she suggested Feb 8, Saturday at 10:00a.  Arneson stated it would be better at the Town Center for recoding reasons for MMCTV. Final decisions on future meetings will be made at the Selectboard meeting on January 21, 2025.

Review of budget notes to be included in Town Report
Timestamp: 1:11

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Hill, Furr, Miller

Arneson has created some general budget notes that will go in the Town Report. Hill emphasized that the Board of Trustees approves the Library budget. Similarly, the Water and Sewer Commission approves the Water and Sewer budget, so those are not governed by the Selectboard. He also pointed out that the water and sewer rates are paid by the customers of the water and sewer department. And the Town pays a fire protection fee for the water system, for the purpose of providing water in case of a fire. Arneson explained the difference between Reserve funds and Unassigned and Restricted funds and how these funds relate to each department. He also explained Charitable Appropriations and Conservation Reserve Funds. Furr suggested that totals for those two funds be presented and how much is used from those funds each year. Arneson described how the tax rate increases and what those amounts will be per $100,000. Hill suggested presenting a total tax rate increase if everything is approved. Miller thinks this an excellent job and will be especially useful for the voters.

Consideration of selecting a person to dedicate the Town Report to
Timestamp: 1:28

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Furr, Hill, Miller

Furr thinks this should be dedicated to the retiring Town Clerk, Linda Parent. Sander agrees. Miller thinks it’s a good idea and can’t think of anyone who is more deserving. Hill concurred and mentioned that Linda Parent is also Vermont’s Town Clerk of the Year.

Furr moved to dedicate the town report to our town clerk, Linda, Parent. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Miller, Sander in favor. Motion approved.


Furr moved to adjourn. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Miller, Sander in favor. Motion approved.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:32 pm

Chat file from Zoom:

00:34:03          Connie:            It is important to note that the increase in the budget rate does not include other articles being voted on such as appropriations and conservation commission.

00:37:49          Jean Haskin:    The cost of living increase for social security is 2% so those of us on fixed incomes will have to cut our budgets to pay for the town’s increase

01:07:18          Richmond Town Host:           link to appropriation requests:

01:07:35          Richmond Town Host:           FY26 Budget Materials - Town of Richmond, VT

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Special Selectboard Meeting Agenda for 1-13-25 71 KB

Web version

Special Meeting of the Town of Richmond Selectboard
January 13, 2025

Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT. 
Meeting may also be joined online or by phone

Join Zoom Meeting Online: 

Join by Phone:  +1 929 205 6099            Meeting ID: 865 6348 6614    Passcode: 572594

7:00 PM    1. Welcome and Public Comment: 
7:03 PM    2. Additions, Deletions, or Modifications to Agenda
7:05 PM    3. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present

a)    Consideration of approving the FY26 Budget to be considered for approval by the voters* # (15 min)
b)    Consideration of approving the Warning for Town Meeting* # (15 min)
c)    Review of budget notes to be included in Town Report # (15 min)
d)    Consideration of selecting a person to dedicate the Town Report to* (15 min)

8:05 PM    4.  Adjourn

Time is available at each meeting for public comment. Documents related to this meeting are available at     If you would like to schedule a time with the Board or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or email  Links to videos of Selectboard meetings can be found at 
*Denotes Action Item  # Indicates documents in the packet