Annual Town Meeting 2025
March 4, 2025
10AM – noon
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MARCH 4, 2025
The legal voters of the Town of Richmond, Vermont are hereby notified and warned to meet at Camels Hump Middle School, in said Town, on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 10 AM to transact business on the following articles not involving voting by Australian ballot, being Articles 1 through 5.
The voters of the Town of Richmond, Vermont, and the legal voters of the Mount Mansfield Unified Union School District residing in said Town of Richmond are further warned and notified to meet at Camels Hump Middle School, in said Town, on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 7:00 in the forenoon (AM), at which time the polls will open, until 7:00 in the afternoon (PM) at which time the polls will close, to vote on the following articles by Australian ballot, being Articles 6 through 17:
By Floor Vote
Article 1. To hear and accept reports of the Town Officers.
Article 2. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond vote pursuant to 32 V.S.A. Section 3840 to exempt the real estate of Richmond Rescue, Inc. from taxation for a period of five (5) years beginning with fiscal year 2026?
Article 3. Advisory - Shall the Selectboard consider changing the practice of presenting the Town Budget for approval by the voters in one Article to presenting a Town Budget with separate Articles for the budgets of each Town department? This article is advisory and a vote on it is non-binding.
Article 4 Advisory – Shall the Selectboard warn a Special Town Meeting to see if the voters will agree to vote all public questions by Australian ballot?
Article 5. To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting.
By Australian Ballot
Article 6. To elect School and Town Officers for terms posted on ballot.
Article 7. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve a budget of $4,870,565 to meet the expenses and liabilities of the Town of Richmond in Fiscal Year 2026?
Article 8. Shall the Town of Richmond vote to approve funding the Conservation Reserve Fund by adding one cent to the municipal tax rate in the 2025-2026 fiscal year?
Article 9. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve appropriating $500.00 to Vermont Family Network to be raised by taxes to provide support to Richmond families with children with special needs, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 10. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve appropriating $3,000.00 to Age Well to be raised by taxes to provide support and guidance to Town residents aged 60 years and older, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 11. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve appropriating $375.00 to VT Center for Independent Living to be raised by taxes for providing services to enhance the lives of Town residents with disabilities, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 12. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve appropriating $1,000.00 to The Committee on Temporary Shelter to be raised by taxes to provide emergency shelter, services, and housing for Town residents who are homeless or marginally housed, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 13. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve appropriating $6,000.00 to Our Community Cares Camp to be raised by taxes to provide enrichment and food services to children, internship opportunities for youth, job training, and development for young adults for Town residents, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 14. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve appropriating $1,500.00 to Steps to End Domestic Violence to be raised by taxes for assisting Town residents who have been affected physically, sexually, emotionally, or economically by domestic abuse in the transition to a safe, independent life, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 15. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve appropriating $5,000.00 to Turning Point Center of Chittenden County to be raised by taxes to provide to Town residents an inclusive compassionate community supporting those on multiple paths to recovery through peer-driven services in a safe, substance-free environment, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 16. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve appropriating $1,000.00 to HOPE Works to be raised by taxes for their work to end all forms of sexual violence to Town residents, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 17. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve appropriating $1,000.00 to Lund to be raised by taxes for their work to help Town resident children thrive by empowering families to break cycles of poverty, addiction and abuse by offering hope and opportunity to families through education, treatment, family support and adoption, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
The legal voters of the Town of Richmond are further notified that voter qualification, registration, and absentee voting relative to said Annual Meeting shall be as provided in Chapters 43, 51 and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated.
Richmond Select Board
_____________________ ___________________
David Sander, Chairperson Bard Hill
_____________________ ___________________
Lisa Miller, Vice Chair Adam Wood
Jay Furr
Received for record this day of January 2025.
Linda M. Parent, CVC, Town Clerk
Requests for early voter absentee ballots will be accepted in the Town Clerk’s Office until NOON on February 28, 2025
Richmond Select Board: The legal voters of the Town of Richmond are further warned and notified that two public informational meetings regarding will be held at Richmond Town Center in the Town of Richmond on Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 10 AM, and Monday, February 24, 2025 at 7 PM for the purpose of explaining the 2025-2026 proposed budget and Australian ballot items.
These meetings may also be attended online or by phone:
Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 10 AM
Join Zoom Meeting Online:
Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 899 2808 3835
Passcode: 613512
Monday, February 24, 2025 at 7 PM
Join Zoom Meeting Online:
Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 810 3171 3006
Passcode: 335990